<말모이> 영자막 기획상영 with English subtitles.

 <말모이> 영어자막 기획 상영 
with English subtitles.

한글에 대한 가치와 소중함을 일깨워 주는 <말모이>를 영어자막으로 기획 상영합니다.
좋은 한국영화를 국내외 관객들에게 모두 소개하는 자리로서의 이번 기획전에 많은 분들의 관심 부탁드립니다!

일본어 대사에서는 '한국어 자막+영어 자막'이 동시에 제공 됩니다.
회차 별 매진이 될 경우, 관객 모두에게 1인 맥주1잔 또는 아메리카노1잔이 무료로 제공 됩니다!

<말모이>(영자막) 상영 시간표
1/19(토) 13:30
1/20(일) 20:20
1/26(토) 18:00
1/27(일) 13:30

2/2(토) 20:00
2/3(일) 15:00
2/9(토) 13:30
2/10(일) 20:20

인터파크[좌석지정가능], 예스24, 네이버

Please welcome with English subtitles.

Director Um Yuna’s new film after her debut as a filmwriter for “A Taxi Driver”,
a film that over 10 million Koreans watched in theatres.

with English subtitles.

In 1940s when it was forbidden to speak Korean,
there were people who were to defend Korean language as to defend the country.
While avoiding from the surveillance of Japanese imperialism in Korea,
there was a mission called “Mal Mo E” and this is the very first film that deals with the story of “Mal Mo E”

“The man who couldn’t read, Pan Su realizes how crucial it is to read Korean” 
“The president of Korean Language Society,
Jung Hwan discovers the very significant value of ‘ours, the Koreans’”

Come to Emu Cinema to find out about the intriguing story of “Mal Mo E” how the Korean language survived
and preserved during the period of Japanese colonization in Korea.

Screening Schedule for
with English subtitles

1/19(Sat) 13:30
1/20(Sun) 20:20
1/26(Sat) 18:00
1/27(Sun) 13:30

2/2(Sat) 20:00
2/3(Sun) 15:00
2/9(Sat) 13:30
2/10(Sun) 20:20

You can reserve tickets from Naver/YES24/Interpark.
If you are not so familiar with Korean movie ticketing websites,
please try to reserve tickets via cineinkorea.com

Important Note
No entrance is allowed 10 minutes after the screening starts.
Thank you for your consideration and all your support to screening Korean films with English Subtitles at Emu Cinema.
We will never stop screening Korean films with English Subtitles.